Understanding Granite Stone: The Benefits, Types, And Colors

Granite is a popular choice for countertops and flooring due to its durability, beauty, and versatility. In Chennai, India, the demand for imported granite has been on the rise, and for good reason. Imported granite from different parts of the world offers a wide range of colours and patterns that are not commonly found in local quarries. In this blog, we will explore the benefits, types, and colours of granite to help you understand why imported granite Chennai, like the ones offered by Goyal Marble and Granite, is a great choice for your home or business.

Benefits of Granite

Granite is a natural stone that is formed by the slow cooling of magma beneath the earth’s surface. It is a very hard and durable material that can withstand high temperatures and heavy use. It is also resistant to scratches, stains, and bacteria, making it an ideal choice for kitchen countertops and flooring. Granite is easy to maintain and only requires occasional sealing to keep it looking its best.

Types of Granite

Granite comes in different types based on its origin and mineral composition. Some of the most popular types of granite include:

  1. Indian Black: A black granite with white speckles, it is quarried in India and is known for its durability and elegant appearance.
  2. Brazilian Black: A black granite with silver speckles, it is quarried in Brazil and is known for its durability and resistance to scratches.
  3. Ivory Fantasy: A beige granite with brown and grey speckles, it is quarried in India and is known for its unique and attractive appearance.
  4. Blue Pearl: A blue-grey granite with silver and black speckles, it is quarried in Norway and is known for its durability and resistance to stains.
  5. Kashmir White: A white granite with grey and black speckles, it is quarried in India and is known for its durability and elegant appearance.

Colours of Granite

Granite comes in a wide range of colours, from black and white to red, green, and blue. Some of the most popular granite colours include:

  1. Black: Black granite is a popular choice for kitchen countertops and flooring due to its elegant appearance and durability.
  2. White: White granite is a great choice for modern kitchens and bathrooms due to its clean and bright appearance.
  3. Brown: Brown granite comes in different shades and patterns and is a popular choice for rustic and traditional interiors.
  4. Green: Green granite adds a natural and calming element to interiors and is often used in bathrooms and spas.
  5. Red: Red granite is a bold and striking choice for countertops and flooring and is often used in commercial spaces.

In conclusion, imported granite Chennai, like the ones offered by Goyal Marble and Granite, offers a wide range of types, and colours to choose from. Its durability, beauty, and versatility make it a great choice for any home or business. With years of experience in the industry, ensuring that they only offer the finest quality stones to their clients. Contact them today to learn more about their products and services!

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